
Webhooks can be posted at the end of each workflow. Webhook endpoints can be specified with the webhooks config key.

  - url: https://domain.com/webhook
  - url: https://other-domain.com/webhook

At this point Webhooks are a very basic feature. Retries are not currently supported, and reliability and deliverability can not be guaranteed. If you are depending on this feature please let us know and resources can be dedicated to its further development.

The body of the webhook is a JSON blob of the following structure:

	"id": Integer ,
	"installation_id": Integer ,
	"repository_id": Integer ,
	"repository": {
		"id": Integer ,
		"organization_id": Integer ,
		"service": String ,
		"project": String ,
		"name": String ,
		"full_name": String ,
		"git_url": String ,
		"private": String ,
		"enabled": String ,
		"created_at": Timestamp (ISO),
		"updated_at": Timestamp (ISO),
	"branch": String ,
	"namespace": String ,
	"name": String ,
	"subdomain": String ,
	"full_environment_url": String ,
	"origin": String ,
	"pull_request_id": Integer ,
	"auto_update": Integer ,
	"state": String ,
	"created_at": Timestamp (ISO),
	"updated_at": Timestamp (ISO),

Last updated